Last updated: 2.17.24

Guide to Using the Email Marketing Drag and Drop Editor and Fan Filtering


Email marketing is a powerful tool for musicians to connect with their fanbase and share updates about their music, merchandise, tours, and more. Our SaaS platform introduces an intuitive drag and drop editor and fan filtering feature that simplifies the process of creating and sending customized email campaigns. Whether you're announcing a new album or just keeping in touch, our guide will walk you through each step effectively.

Email Collection

Before you start your email campaign, ensure that your fans have the opportunity to share their emails through your links. Each new fan's email is added to your Audience Database automatically, ready for future communications.

Creating an Email Campaign

To start creating an email campaign:

  1. Navigate to Campaigns → Email on your dashboard.
  2. Click on Create New Campaign.

Step 1: Selecting Your Recipients

Choose the audience for your email from your existing Audience Database. Only fans who have shared their email can be selected.

Step 2: Customize Your Campaign

Fill in the required fields to set up and schedule your campaign. You can choose to send your email immediately, or schedule your email for a particular time.

<aside> 💡 If you want fans to be able to reply to your message, ensure you add a Reply-To Email. Without a custom Reply-To Emails, any replies will not be accessible to you.


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